2023 Anthony, Ava and Baylee joining

28 May 2023

Welcome to Anthony Pannullo, who joined us in March of 2023 as a postdoctoral scholar. Anthony completed a highly productive Ph.D. with Craig Ellemeier in the Microbiology and Immunology Department, Carver College of Medicine at the University of Iowa. He studied the pathogenesis of Clostridium difficile, a cause of colitis and a great threat to human health. After joining our lab, Anthony is actively applying his skills and learning new tricks with yeasts to better understand the interaction between host macrophages and yeast pathogens. Also joining the lab recently is Ava Gabrys, who came to us from the Penn State University, where she is currently an undergraduate students. She is part of the Interdisciplinary Evolutionary Sciences Research Experiment for Undergraduate (REU) program. In our lab, she is applying her awesome bioinformatic skills to expand our adhesin evolution study to the Als family. She is also learning cloning and protein techniques to characterize a chimeric Hil adhesin construct we built. Last but not least, Baylee Bruce joined the lab as a new graduate student. She is in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Genetics, the same as Lindsey. Welcome!